Jph1948's Trophy Room

This is Jph1948's personal scorecard. Here you can view all the awards Jph1948 has won in our past monthly competitions, as well as a quick rundown of their lifetime playing statistics (to the right).

If you don't have any trophies yet, don't be discouraged, just keep playing! All registered members are automatically entered into each month's competitions, where the top 20 players ranked by point score, solving percentage and average solving time will receive trophies and prize ribbons that will then be displayed here.

View jph1948's Profile »

8th place
August 2024
20955 pts.

10th place
July 2024
24151 pts.

7th place
June 2024
19383 pts.

6th place
May 2024
25415 pts.

7th place
April 2024
24141 pts.

6th place
March 2024
25709 pts.

6th place
February 2024
19063 pts.

6th place
January 2024
27940 pts.

12th place
December 2023
15262 pts.

11th place
November 2023
16253 pts.

8th place
October 2023
18173 pts.

9th place
September 2023
26041 pts.

7th place
August 2023
26392 pts.

6th place
July 2023
27322 pts.

6th place
June 2023
23220 pts.

8th place
May 2023
18792 pts.

6th place
April 2023
24175 pts.

13th place
March 2023
27908 pts.

10th place
February 2023
26382 pts.

9th place
January 2023
29295 pts.

11th place
December 2022
20351 pts.

11th place
November 2022
19268 pts.

7th place
October 2022
24558 pts.

8th place
September 2022
19719 pts.

8th place
August 2022
26701 pts.

11th place
July 2022
16309 pts.

5th place
June 2022
25236 pts.

7th place
May 2022
29611 pts.

12th place
April 2022
26432 pts.

14th place
March 2022
20420 pts.

10th place
February 2022
23290 pts.

9th place
January 2022
35314 pts.

11th place
December 2021
19407 pts.

10th place
November 2021
29273 pts.

10th place
October 2021
23882 pts.

12th place
September 2021
25925 pts.

10th place
August 2021
27843 pts.

11th place
July 2021
17594 pts.

11th place
June 2021
21475 pts.

15th place
May 2021
21637 pts.

13th place
April 2021
26031 pts.

10th place
March 2021
26788 pts.

10th place
February 2021
22934 pts.

7th place
January 2021
38550 pts.

9th place
December 2020
25707 pts.

6th place
November 2020
31273 pts.

11th place
October 2020
22091 pts.

12th place
September 2020
12695 pts.

8th place
August 2020
25362 pts.

8th place
July 2020
26883 pts.

13th place
June 2020
20702 pts.

11th place
May 2020
17635 pts.

9th place
April 2020
16916 pts.

5th place
February 2020
30817 pts.

6th place
January 2020
34619 pts.

5th place
December 2019
29584 pts.

9th place
November 2019
25298 pts.

7th place
October 2019
29146 pts.

8th place
September 2019
21260 pts.

6th place
August 2019
26528 pts.

9th place
July 2019
22826 pts.

9th place
June 2019
33803 pts.

8th place
May 2019
26659 pts.

6th place
April 2019
48273 pts.

4th place
March 2019
82808 pts.

6th place
February 2019
33585 pts.

19th place
August 2019
14.17% success

Jph1948's Statistics

Lifetime Statistics
 Member Since:  February 4, 2019
 Total Points:  1710722 points
 Total Played:  38742 puzzles
 Total Solved:  5419 puzzles
 Success Rate:  14%
 Average Score:  315.7 points
September 2024 Statistics
 Total Points:  11740 points
 Total Played:  219 puzzles
 Total Solved:  37 puzzles
 Success Rate:  16.89%
 Average Points:  317.3 points
August 2024 Statistics
 Total Points:  20955 points
 Total Played:  399 puzzles
 Total Solved:  66 puzzles
 Success Rate:  16.54%
 Average Points:  317.5 points
August's Winners